What's On The Shelf

1. Because I'm always looking for a way to love my husband more, I decided to begin this devotional. I recommend it to any woman. 
 2. I'm doing this devotional with my friend Jamie. Right now, because of events taking place in both of our lives, we're taking a short break. It's amazing though and I can't wait to dive back into it.
3. This is the book I read everyday with my girls. Sometimes I pick the story, sometimes they do. It comes with songs to sing along with each story. The girls love it!!!

 4. My MOPs group is doing this book together as a devotional type study. I've had it on my list for a long time and was thrilled to learn we were going to do it together. Just started it, so I can't say much beside "so far, so good!" I'll update this when we get further.


5. This book in addition to the one below is a part of my effort to trim down our grocery bill. Need I say more?

6. I'll be honest, I've read this 3 times already. I'm hoping that this next time it'll stick a little better.

I update this list every month to keep it up to date with new books or comments on the old ones. If you have a book that you think I might like, please comment or email. 

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I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14