The Joy of Christmas's official, Christmas has come and gone. This was our second Christmas together, just Mike and I...and the dogs of course. It was very simple and cozy in my opinion; just the way we like it. We agreed this year not to go and spend a ton of money on each other since we have two little rascals coming so soon. So, we decided to buy one thing that our "family" could use instead. It's nice to know that we both realize the importance of things and the true meaning behind this beautiful day. We finally decided to buy a new desktop computer. Right now, all we have is my laptop, so a desktop will be nice to have. Christmas morning we woke up to a slow start. We figured that this will probably be our last year to sleep in on Christmas morning so why not take advantage of it. Anyhoo... we enjoyed the opening the gifts from our parents and playing with the dogs and the wrapping paper. Simple pleasures :~)
I still can't fully comprehend that next year we're going to have two little angels to share it all with. I love my God and I am very thankful that he decided to give us these special gifts this year. What a true blessing!!! It excites me even more to hear Mike talk about how things are going to be different. His face lights up when he talks about his little girls...and that just melts my heart. I truly do love my husband!!I'm thankful that he was able to get time off for Christmas this year. He's off all the way through after the New Year. It's not very often that he's able to get time off from the Air Force. Sort of a hit or miss thing when it comes to taking leave. I love it when he's home with me; and with it being the holidays, it makes it even better. That's my Christmas present!Our Christmas meal was very yummy this year. We decided to keep it simple since I couldn't really get in there and cook like I wanted. So...we ended up making Mac~N~Cheese in the crock pot, a Honey-Glazed spiral ham, and stuffing. It was delicious!!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their time with friends and loved ones. I pray that you all have a wonderful New Years!!! Come back to read my Recollections 2009 and Resolutions 2010. Should be interesting.
God Bless!!!
But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14
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