The doorbell rang.
I was holding Miss Hope when I answered the door to find a middle-aged man standing there.
His hands were folded together in front of him.
Face taught and serious looking.
I could immediately tell why he was standing there.
You see...earlier today, Mike and his Dad fixed the fence in our back yard. Well, they attached it to the neighbors fence.
Mr. Harry that is.
Well, Mr. Harry approached my house to make a scene and in his surprise, he didn't get one. I sincerely apologized for the inconvenience and told him that it would be fixed.
His serious and taught face quickly relaxed.
His serious and taught face quickly relaxed.
It's amazing how things can ease out so quickly.
In the past, I would have been quick to come back at him with a negative approach.
However, these days I'm a little more humble.
Thank you Lord for holding my tongue and keeping my cool.
"Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: and cause me to understand wherein I have erred."
Job 6:24

So glad you're in your new house! Can't wait to hear all about it!!