Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In Our Parts...

...the sun is shining bright and offering plenty of warmth to our skin. Some days more than we desire but we'll take it as it comes with plenty of grace and lemonade. The past month has been one of good sorts. Different sorts of stuff really. A lot for a Moma to think about. The girls are still on their steady pace without wondering too far off their path. 

In our parts...

 the house is still a disaster. I know, I said last time that I was working on putting it back together but plans changed and I wasn't able to do so. This is why...

Yes. Flooring is going in and it's a slow and messy process. Furniture is scattered through out the house and the girls and I try to keep from getting into trouble with Daddy's tools during the day. It's stressful, but it'll get finished. 

In our parts...
a particular tree not only provides some much needed shade, but some early fall-like beauty. Can you tell it needs some rain?

In our parts...
my girls continue to work on their sisterly bonds. The ways they say I love you are more precious than I ever imagined.  Each day that bond becomes bigger and more solid.
Not only with each other but with their other sister too.

In our parts...
We're busy trying to get things back together and just trying to enjoy what each day brings. Whether it's sunshine or rain, tears or smiles, carpet or dust, disarray or order, burstful energizers or lazy lazies. We're here...right where we're supposed to be. 


  1. Oh, that first picture stole my heart! Golly, they're just so darn adorable.

    When you said the other sister, did you mean doggie sister or baby sister? Or both? hmmmmmmm.

  2. what a beautiful post...your girls are getting so big! Blessings on your day!

  3. Beautiful post and a wonderful way of showing what is around you :)


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14