Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Enjoying Life

Despite the classic fall weather this week, I've been able to get quite a lot done. More so than I thought would happen. On the outside the air is extremely crisp and rain comes and goes. Inside, Ellie and I stay warm and cozy while the big sisters are away at school. If we're not doing some of her school lessons or baking up something yummy,  than she's usually playing while I'm doing house work of some sort.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote out some things that I really wanted to try making from scratch/homemade. Things that would make a difference in the long run budget wise. I did this after the hubby and I evaluated our spending and budget and realized some things needed to change. It forced me to find alternatives to the pricier options. 

So, I picked a few things to start with...
yogurt, granola, homemade gluten free bread and homemade laundry soap. 

The granola and yogurt were HUGE successes. Something which I was extremely proud of and the girls ranted and raved over it. The bread is good. It's still not as fluffy as they'd prefer, but it's working quite nicely for now. The laundry soap is still in the works. I have a sense of accomplishment because I've tackled those things instead of cowering from attempting them. 

Here lately, we've been getting out and taking advantage of living in such a beautiful state like Idaho. I remember when we put Idaho on our list of choices for assignments. Most of our reasons all geared towards opportunity...when would we ever be given a reason to live in such an amazing and outgoing area. A place where you can go and do anything that you feel like doing. 

It's a lot of fun this time of year to get out and see all the changes and let the girls explore and have so much fun being outside. They've been collecting leaves and berries then coming home and looking them up in their nature books. It's been so much fun. 

It's crazy how fast time has gone since we first arrived here. Before we know it, it'll be time to press on and move forward to a new adventure. But for now, we're enjoying life where we're at and all that it brings. 

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But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14