Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Passing Too Fast

 It seems like this was just yesterday.

When daily snuggles always included instantaneous naps and puddles of baby slobber....for all involved. *smile*

 Now those moments look more like this.... 

Wiggly-giggly girls that don't stay still (for Moma at least) and moments that pass by way too fast. 

Where does the time go???


  1. The time, well, we all know that it just flies. (How cliche of me to say.) It's sometimes so bittersweet to look back on those pictures and remember how small they were. That's how we'll feel ten years from now, looking back on pictures for today.

    Look how far y'all have come! Now you have two wiggly, precious girls how make you smile and laugh and are learning to do things all by their selves, becoming the little ladies God has for them. What a priveledge for all of us to watch our children grow and change...

  2. Oh it does go so fast! Ours are now TEN and it does continue to wing by.....
    Precious family! :)


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14