Friday, June 25, 2010

Silliness and FuN

The girls have become so interactive the past month. They've learned about the TV already...the bright colors and big movements really capture their attention. They even try to look at it when I burp them...It's so adorable to watch a 5 month old baby sit and laugh at the TV. It's starting so soon.
(Don't mind my husband's legs *giggle*)

I have a lot of those Baby Einstein DVDs and a few Veggie Tales that I let them watch.
 Take a look at these cuties...

Miss Savannah cracks me up...she gets so tickled that she waves her arms and laughs like it's so so funny she just can't stand it. It's adorable!!!
Hope just sits back and enjoys the show with a big smile here and there. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen!!

Every now and then, Savannah will croak like a frog. sounds just like a rain frog yall. That's her way of talking to the colors.  I will get in on video at some point.

Since they've been wanting to move around so much...we thought it was time to retire some of their other activity centers and move forward.

Hello Mr. Jumper!!!!

Bright colors! Mirrors! Music! Lights!

And you can't forget


They are adorable when they do something new for the first time. Can't believe that they're already jumping around.
My little girls!!!

Enjoy your weekend!!!

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But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14