Monday, November 29, 2010

Recipes from Hope Abound

Today I am busy gathering all the stuff we need to make a trip to Florida. We'll be making a short 3 day visit and I'm ready. I've got a list that covers both front and back of a piece of paper and my coffee cup is rockin' Dunkin D's. The girls are a bit fussy, but we're pushing through it. Those front teeth are killers.

Mike gets off work around 3:30, so I'm wanting to be ready to hit the road when he walks in the door. So, today, is yet another day where Hope Abound will be put on the back burner. I still love you though.
Because I have had family here for almost a week now, I really haven't had time to sit and jot down my thoughts like I'd wish. My thoughts are runningtogther and my draft folder is full of promising posts, but they'll get their chance to shine.

To give you something to smile about, I have finally taken the time to pull all of the recipes that I have shared with you here on Hope Abound and listed them on a page for you to enjoy. They are there with the links that will take you directly where you need to go to find that scrumptious meal you once saw posted here.

All in all, I hope you wont be upset with me. I will return this weekend with good stories and pictures to share. Home always brings the best out in me...

Till then, Sweet Luvins!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try the loaded baked potato soup. It sounds heavenly and I love anything in the crock pot.


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14