Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It Warms My Heart

Most of the time when I get mail, I can pretty much guarantee that there will ALWAYS be some form of junk mail or some sort of letter requesting donations for something I've never heard of before.

Well, yesterday I got a letter from Smile Train.

Have you heard of them? Me neither. What caught my attention and caused me to not throw it away was the little girl on the front. She had a cleft lip. She was precious and beautiful...and had a cleft lip. Do you know how many children will pick on her for that later on in her life? Do you know how self-conscious she will be because of it? Do you know about the health complications that it can lead to? I don't either but I'm sure it will happen and you can read about it all here.
And you know what? It breaks my heart.

My friend Kelly had a baby a couple of months ago and he was born with a minor cleft lip. When I first saw the letter, Levi was the first thing I thought of. He's a handsome lil' fella but I couldn't help think what if Kelly and her family weren't able to have the surgery for his correction? What if they were like some of the little children who's families weren't able to afford it?

The letter I received broke down some of the costs...
$25- cost of sutures
$50- cost of anesthesia
$125- half the cost of surgery
$250- one complete surgery

I prayed and looked over my budget and saw that I could donate enough for anesthesia. And I want to donate in honor of Mr. Levi.
Kelly and I have been blogger friends for over a year now and I respect her family so much.
So...this is for yall. It may not directly affect Levi's surgery, but I know it'll help a child somewhere that is in desperate need of this procedure.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kristen, thank you so much for that sweet post! We are honored that you are donating with our little man in mind. Love ya, girl!


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14