Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Memorial Day Weekend 2011

This weekend was amazingly awesome. We spent a lot of time together and were able to focus more attention to family quality memory making. We love long weekends as you probably do too. They allow us more play time, more silly time, and more FUN FUN FUN! We're a zippy and zaney family and love acting like zoo animals...together.

We kicked off our holiday weekend by hanging up our flag. We've put this off for a long time and thought this weekend was super appropriate.


Since the base considered Friday a "Family Day," our holiday weekend kicked off Thursday evening and we were willing to accommodate to those plans. I mean, a soldier must obey his orders....right?

 Well we took advantage of all of the time we had and the girls kept us kept ourselves busy.

Pool TIME!!!

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We played the wii...

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We washed the KING.

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The girls showed up their new moves...just ignore my musical input.


We smoked some grub...
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Please excuse my poor acting skills...
We acted silly...

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I gardened during nap time.

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And overall...

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we just enjoyed having each other to be with...no matter how we acted. Silly, crazy, zaney, grouchy, moody, funny, lovey, sleepy, wild...it was us, together, as our little family should be.

Happy Memorial Day!
 Did you count your blessings...one.by.one?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all had a wonderful weekend! The girls are adorable! I love EA Sport Active too! :)


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14