Thursday, June 16, 2011

Girl's Day!

Everyday I'm blessed with the opportunity to spend every minute with my girls. Since we're away from family, it is rare that you'll find me any farther from them than their bedroom door. We're a tag team for sure.
Daddy is out of town this week and that leaves me and my girls up to no good and rearing to party it up. Take a look at what we've been up to:

We spent a lot of time outside playing in the garden, picking some veggies, eating tomatoes, digging in the dirt and playing gin the mud after I watered.

We chased bubbles of our favorite activities!
We played peek-a-boo through the fence.

And we simply had a blast outside!
 For supper we had fish, pears, and edemame...Moma had some broccoli from the CSA.

We even managed to get into a little trouble and throw some fits.
After a full day of silliness and fun, we managed to squeeze in a walk around the loop with our neighbors. The wind was blowing and it was cooling off to prepare for a rough evening. The girls played in their bubble bath and off to bed they went. Just in time for the big thunderstorm. It was big. We've gone 28 days without rain and finally a big storm. Our grass so needs it!
We lost power around 10 and that seemed like the perfect sign that it was bedtime for me too. I'm not a big fan of being alone at night. What-ifs begin to run through my mind and I start to freak myself out.
With the rain beating on the roof, the sounds were in full spring and so was my heart beats. All I remember is singing a few hymns and waking up this morning to a wining dog.
"What a Friend I have in Jesus!"

I Love my Lord.
I love my husband.
I love my girls.
I love my family.
 I love my life!

...but I really love when I get to have a true girls day!

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But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14