Tuesday, November 22, 2011

So Very Thankful

My thankfulness has molded into something so much more over the past couple of years. About seven or so years ago, I would have geared it all to a more toward the obvious...family, college, etc. These days, while I'm extremelty thankful those, I'm thankful for something(s) different these days.
Some little, some big. Some evident, some not.



Smelly diapers.
Little Shoes.

Unexpected journeys.
A Hand to Hold.
Missing pieces.

our angel baby awaiting us in heaven

Quiet Time.
My Faith.

Blue Skies.
Hearts to Mold.

Helpful hands.

Lessons Learned.
Cozy beds.

Sweet slobber kisses.
Furry loves.

Missed opportunities.

All of which, when poured together create the most perfect blend, developed only by the most marvelous of Masters, to bring to forth this lovely life I'm living. Without even just one, it wouldn't be the same.
Thankfulness goes far beyond the realm of the obvious. It lies in the depths of the unseen, unheard, and most likely, at any time, unappreciated. What are you thankful this year?

Linked with the following:


  1. For me, because having the girls was so, so hard, that experience attuned my heart to depend on Jesus (even more than before I had children) and my soul to be thankful. Even when the girls were crying, I could be thankful they had breath, when they wouldn't sleep any other place other than my arms, I was thankful, because one day they won't want to snuggle with me.

    It's life-changing to experience "God in everything" isn't it? When we give thanks from that place, we see the miracle in everydaay, and it is amazing and beautiful!

    Have a beautiful Thanksgiving!

  2. We truly have so much to be thankful for don't we? I am very thankful for my coffee which I really needed this morning since I've been up with our youngest since 3:30 a.m. (yikes!).

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Beautiful! So true.. When I look back at the beautiful picture God has painted, I can't help but be thankful even for the hard times..

  4. what a beautiful post! there's always so much to be thankful for in our lives, right? :D


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14