Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Weekend Rays

This weekend was part sunny, part not. 
Our seedlings didn't care though. 
They made their grand appearance anyways. 
Tomatoes soon, very soon!

Our house was full of energy despite the dreariness of the rain. The girls found their summer shoes stashed in their closet. Dress up was a must. They pranced around like divas with their microphones and new shoes.

Nap time was very therapeutic, I must say. Quiet house. 
Sound of the rain on the roof. All cozied up in my blankets. 

The rain eventually stopped. 
We visited with neighbors. 
Drove to town for some randoms. 
Got back to church after too long of a break. 

Threw temper tantrums in the truck on the way home because we were out of "crack-ahs." 

Enjoyed the comfort of some ewy-gewy crock pot lasagna. 

We didn't make it downtown like I had hoped. King Street is still on the "must do" list. Pottery Barn will continue to be a store that I have never been in all because we sat and enjoyed being slightly unproductive. 

Sometimes it's just necessary. 

Here are some random clips that I haven't already shared with y'all. A weekly clip collection I think I'm going to keep up with each week. Whatcha think?


  1. Could you please send some of that rain this way, puh-lease?! We would love it so.

    Breakdowns about crackers and just about any other kind of food is normal around here. Glad you had a good weekend anyway!

    PS Pottery Barn will always be there. You'll get there someday.

  2. Looks like y'all had a good weekend! I love the pictures!


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14