Potato salad, burgers and hot dogs. Some beautiful weather, friends and family and a few mosquitoes. All makes for what I call a perfect weekend. Talk about a full house...and I don't mean just full of people. Our windows were busting at the seams with laughter, girly squeals, silly baby babble, long lost stories of old, Moma jibber jabber, and so on and so on. We had such a great time.
It was so much fun to watch all the kids play together and have so much fun. More so, it was nice to sit back and chat with other adults. We don't do that enough. They didn't stay very long as it was a pit-stop type visit after all, but man we enjoyed them being here. I think I even saw some tears in the girlies eyes when we were saying our goodbyes. So sweet.
After they left, we picked up the house, tossed the kids in bed for naps, and sat back and relaxed a little. I mean I was in total relax mode. Feet up on the couch and all. This my friends, happens only once every now and then. My feet our usually running-a-muck all over the house trying to keep up with my Mommy brain to-do-list. You know? So this was very different for me. I think I may try it again soon. Maybe even today or tomorrow. Who knows? *wink*
So today we're taking it slow and easy. Getting back into routine after a day or two of unwinding and free falling. I'm working on a post to share how we succeeded in potty training. So those of you interested, stay posted. Maybe by Friday??? Not sure.
It's a busy week ahead and I'm gearing up to tackle all of its blessings in disguise Menu laid out and a grocery list ready to tackle and conquer Cleaning to be tidied and some laundry to toss and tumble. It should be interesting. What's it look like in your corner?
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