Sunday, December 22, 2013


bedtime used to be a struggle for me. after a long day, just like most momas, i just wanted to sit down.
so i'd rush through it all. 

however, here lately i've been enjoying the last little moments of their day. taking my time to talk to them about what we did and whats on their mind.
singing a song or two or three with them. 
helping them voice out their prayers and fears to jesus so he can hear.

my ellie has grown to love being sung to as she drifts off. 
i've found that tis so sweet is the one hymn that calms her the most. 
after hearing me sing it many a times to her, the big girls have starting begging for that same song. 
so we now sing it together as the last song each night. i used to sing that song in church when i was little. so it's really special to hear their squeaky little voices sing those sames words.
this past week, our bedtime chatter has been geared around the meaning of those words. 
how strong his promise is. 
how we can take comfort that his love is enough. 
that we can always trust our lives our secure in him.
i really can't think of a sweeter way to  share this with almost 4 year olds than this old favorite. 

tis so sweet to trust in jesus
just to take him at his word
just to rest upon his promise
just to know thus saith the lord

jesus jesus how i trust him
how i've proved him o're and o're
jesus jesus precious jesus
oh for grace to trust him more

i’m so glad i learned to trust Thee
precious jesus, savior, friend
and i know that thou art with me
wilt be with me to the end.

i pray that this christmas season, you can rest in assurance that his love is strong enough, deep enough, wide enough, and all in all simply
now that is sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, my friend. I admit, too, to rushing through those last minutes, ready to get on with whatever needs to be done before I can rest. Thank you for this reminder to savor those moments, loving the little ones well.


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But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14