Tuesday, January 28, 2014

routine and mind

You get used to it. 
That person to step in and fill the gaps where you're either incapable of doing or remembering or better yet...you become dependent on them "being" there. 
Or in my case its the remembering to do part. Moving on...

I've taken on all things I've overlooked before. Things that were his undertaking.

Take the trash for pickup (which I missed yesterday)
Lock the doors at night.
Turn off the alarm in the morning.
Break down recyclables.
Pick up the yard.
Or even just getting the mail.

It amazes me how I got through the days at times I don't even realize I'm doing things  until afterwards.  But lately that's simply the case. I've had to decipher a plan of attack to keep from running myself ragged with the extra. Words from my brother who is three more years into this life than I ...


Yep. That's all.
I take his advice and run with it. Literally... 2 miles a day.  I imagine his voice cheering me on.
Even when the fish that's supposed to fill our lull with joy dies out of the blue...we breathe and take that step forward. I know what waits for me in the end...JOY.

In pure effort to aid my sanity, I thought why not try something new and organized to help me not go crazy before breakfast. Something like setting out clothes the night before school or church. It's amazing how something so easy and simple can make a world of difference in getting the day started.


  1. Praying for you, sweet friend. I can't imagine this transition is easy. Hugs.

  2. This post reminds me of all the hurdles my dad and I had to overcome after mom's accident. . .simple things like going to the bank and grocery store could sometimes throw us for a loop. . .I remember setting aside my time in the shower as my time to "breathe" as Corey puts it. . .it became that part of the day that I worked towards. . .my mental calm in the storm.


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14