Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Weeks Worth of Odds and Ends

Last weekend we attempted to go camping. Every force of nature was against us for some reason. If there was something that could go wrong, did. We tried really hard to make the best of it, but it just wasn't possible. Our entire camp site ended up being flooded by the rain. So we ended up spending the most of our Saturday playing at the lake. Trying to be a positive example for my girls during such a frustrating experience was extremely hard, but I"m so happy I kept my calm.

This week, for the first time in my 30 something years, I sat inside a cozy little coffee shop down town. I ordered a seasonal caramel apple cider frozen latte. It was probably filled with a gazillion calories but that's besides the point. It was a little bit of time my Mr gave me to clear my head and spend by myself. No fingers under the door or whispers of curiosity.

The week has been crazy. All three of my girls are in the middle, like smack dab, of a horrible stage. I would try and break it down for you but I myself am having a tricky time on pinpointing the exact problem, so I'm grabbing hold of positive attitudes and rolling with it.

Anyone else happy about the change in weather. It's not really completely embracing the low country yet, but it's so close. The mornings are airy and offer rays of hope. I'm exited for flannel and sweaters and hot chocolate and soup and boots...I could go on.

Thursday night was the first night of soccer practice for my big girls. It's been raining so much here I wasn't too sure if they were even going to be able to have it. Even though the thought of twelve 4-5 year olds running around on a muddy field sort of makes me laugh a little. They were pumped up. New cleats. New socks. New "soccer" shorts. New coach. It was exciting. They ran and showed off their skills to their Daddy that was there (which was a big deal since he missed last season). I love watching them run around the field. Ellie wanted so so bad to be out there with them. She's already got the soccer itch.

It's been a lot of odds and ends that have pulled this week together. It was a good one. With the air cooling off so much, they'll only get better.

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I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14