Thursday, January 1, 2015

the new year and some childrenisms

it's been a busy week for us here. with mike on twelve hour shifts, the girls and i have been doing our thing like we do best. christmas is gone and left the remnants of new toys and stress lifted off the shoulders of a very stressed out moma. the new year came and left. we brought it in by sleeping in. all of us. woohoo!

hope: moma, what kind of birthday cake do you want?
me: i don't know, moma's don't really get cakes.
hope: well how about a blue cinderella cake?
me: that sounds good
hope: or i know...a coffee cake. because that's all you drink

me: ellie, you need to be nice and stop teasing
ellie: ma'am yes
me: don't be mean
ellie: k ma!
(2 minutes later)
ellie: ma! I be bad to hope me.

the girls: Daddy?
mike: what?
the girls: why is your tongue sticking out?
mike: because i'm a barrett
the girls: what's that mean?
mike: you do it too.

you see why it's never hard to get a good laugh.

happy new year! 

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I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14