Tuesday, August 11, 2015


“Life isn’t perfect, but even with it’s flaws, it is beautiful.” – Stephanie Nielson, Heaven Is Here.
Tonight as I'm writing this, my girls are all tucked in their beds. My home is a prime example of organized chaos. Boxes packed and stacked. Laundry baskets brimming with the odds and ends. The bare necessities in drawers and closets. Toys strewn all over the place. It's these little things, all of these little things that are reminding me there's beauty to be found in all situations. 

Over the past 2 months, the husband and I have had numerous conversations about what waits for us around the corner. The adventure that is planned for us with only a few willing details. I'm quick to let it all weigh heavy on my shoulders. Quick to let my thoughts steal me away. I'm lucky though. I know for sure that I can turn to him to keep me grounded and help balance my fear of any and all uncertainty. 

While I'm not really sure where this year is going to take us, I do know that where he is, I will be home. I'm not sure if that feeling can be any sweeter...any more beautiful. 

This year will be messy. It will be stressful. It will be over loaded with change for all of us. But in it all, my days will still be filled with moments of joyful motherhood, blissful marriage, and an abundance of grace and hope. I pray I never look past any of this.
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I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14