Sunday, November 6, 2016

Turning Four

This weekend we celebrated my little bird. 
 spunky little three year old turned four and I'm a little beside myself on how to process the whole event. It's utterly unreal that time has passed by so quickly. 

With the movie Trolls coming out her birthday weekend, we thought what better way to celebrate than to see this new movie. She was so excited and loved every minute.

It's a family tradition that whoevers birthday it is gets to pick what we'll have for supper. When I was little, I would always request lasagna or spaghetti. This little lady made it even easier for me and chose grilled cheese and bbq chips. 

She tells me being four means she's a big girl now. While I agree with some of that, I'm still holding on to that itty-bitty piece of baby she has tucked behind her heart. That piece that comes out when she's tired or sad. When she wants extra snuggles in the morning. Yeah, she might be a big girl in her book, but she's always always going to be my little baby.

Happy Birthday my sweet girl!

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But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14