Do you see this guy?
Yeah...the one that's sport'n his new headset that his work issued him?!!!
This is my husband.
My best friend, love of my life, soul mate, and now...
the wonderful father to my three beautiful children.
When we were pregnant the first time, I always wondered (now let me finish before judging my thoughts mmm-k?) if he was truly happy that we were pregnant. That maybe he felt like things were rushed a bit. 
When we lost our little Angel Baby, it became extremely evident how he felt. I guess you could say that the "Daddy" in him showed big time. That's the only way I know how to explain it.
His heart was broken, his spirit was gone because the little piece of him had gone to Heaven.
God truly showed his Grace when He introduced Hope and Savannah.
He opened up a brand new chapter in our life that was scary and hard.
Mike, however, jumped in with both feet. I mean look at him. He was a pro from the get-go. Don't-cha think?
You can see how much he loves his's written all over his face, it's in his voice, his actions. for his girls...and I am so proud of him.
There comes a time in life when you sit back and take a look the things that give your life meaning. I think Mike did that when his girls got here.
Well, because he's different now. Not completely though. The miscarriage made him realize how special being a Daddy really is. That, in a blink of an eye, it could all be gone.
I still have that goofy, extremely outgoing, guy that I had before (as you can tell from the pic above). But now, he's all of that and a wonderful Daddy. My girls are very lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy. He is all about giving them what they need and making sure they're cared for....what more could I ask for.
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