Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our First Restaurant

I'm just going to let you know that I had nothing to do with the decor of the restaurant in which we dined at...Please forgive the horrible alcoholic signs everywhere.


We went out to eat while Mike's parents were here for Father's Day. This was the first time we took the girls out to eat with us at a sit-down restaurant. We've eaten plenty of time at a quick joint; you know, Chic-Fil-A, Zaxby's, etc. They usually sleep.
Well, this was the first real restaurant. Wheww! Let me tell was an experience.

We were already out. Visited Babys' R' Us to get diapers and their new jumper, so we figured let's eat while we're out. So we did.

Before we got to the restaurant, I decided to feed them so that they would have full bellies and maybe catch a few z's. That didn't work out so well. The wait wasn't as long as we suspected so we went right in pretty much. Now, it's not a big deal feeding the girls while we're out and about. But this place had TVs. My girls, let's just say, LOVE TV. They can't help but stare. Trying to feed them their bottles while they were dazed into the TV was hopeless. All of my hard work and attempts were busted because they were too preoccupied.

They weren't too upset that they weren't eating. That is until they realized that they were still hungry. That's when it all went down hill. FAST!!!
These little girls went from happy happy to MAD. I'm sure the extremely loud, don't know why it was at that level, music wasn't helping out the situation.

We all took turns holding babies.
You eat, I'll hold. Now you eat and I'll hold.
I purposely ordered a salad so that I could hold a baby in one arm and eat with the other. I find it amazing all of the new tricks I have learned thanks to my girls.
Their Mom-Maw wasn't in any of the pictures because she was taking them all.
My favorite of them all was this one of Hope.
Her expression says it all..."Moma, can we pweaze go home??"

Despite the crying, despite the loud music, despite the fact that we had to rush to eat...
We did enjoy our time out.
A little stressful in it's moments, but fun.
A true experience.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making it through.. Keep doing it and it will get better as you go...


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14