Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What I Wore #1

Last week, I was speaking to my neighbor the other day after a trip into town and she made a comment that really...well...opened my eyes a bit. She told me,
 "You must have gone some where're out of your usual mom gear. You know, t-shirt and shorts."

Honestly, she was right. My hair was done, I had a little bit of make-up on, and an actual set of clothes that matched and looked like a put-together outfit. Well, I decided that things needed to change.  So I started ...
Not the most perfect weekend to start with the most famous "live outside in the pool and water" holiday known to man, but it's ok. Baby steps...

So here ya go... the one day I got a picture of me fixed up a bit.

Needs Sorted

Dress: Walmart
Green Tank: Body Shop (in the mall?)
Shoes: Target
Earrings: Gift

The rest of the weekend I was in my bathing suit and a cover up and I figured that yall probably wouldn't want pictures of that. But just so you know my suits are from Victoria's Secret, Dillard's, and cover up from Target. *smile*
Maybe this week will be better. I'm setting my bar high so I have to actually reach for it this time.

What did you wear last week? Anything inspiring for a Moma with no style?


  1. Congrats on starting at WIWW. I love the green and blue combo

  2. I LOVE your blog look. Do you do it or do you have someone? Mine is blah... ha, kuz I did it maybe! ;)

    Also, every picture I've ever seen of you I think you look great! I've been getting "ready" a little more often lately too. Good luck to us!

  3. Your blog is adorable and that dress is very cute!!

  4. My daughter once said something like that to me ... TOTAL EYE OPENER! Great job starting up on the WIWW! LOVE that dress!!


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14