Friday, August 26, 2011

Carrot Harvesting

A couple days ago, our carrots were overflowing the garden bed. Housing numerous bugs and spiders (eeks!) and taking in the warm Carolina sunshine.

Well, the time had come. It was time for a small big *smile*  carrot harvest and boy howdy was I excited! The hubs and I went out on Wednesday right after we put the girls to bed. The air was lighter, cooler, the sun on it's way to bed, and we were out in the garden ready bask in all the easy hard work we put into growing carrots.

We got a bucket full. Some were too small to even save. Some were twisted into their neighboring carrot. It was a fun evening. I think my favorite part of it all though was the time I was given to spend with my husband. It's not often anymore when we have times to ourselves. A minute to just be us like we were back in the day.

We talked and talked ...about the carrots...about the bugs...the girls...Irene...and each other.
Fun. Nice. Quiet. Lovely.

Harvesting was the fun part of the whole shabang. The not so fun part...


It would have probably been a lot easier to do this outside, but when you're home alone with little chickas like I am, inside is best!  

So I did the washing in a three step process.
Carrots are dirty!

Carrots are really dirty yall!

But all was well...look at the bounty. I can't wait to eat 'em all!

What I learned from growing carrots:

1. They grow suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper slow.
2. They taste better homegrown.
3. The greenery itches.
4. The greenery is extremely pretty.
5. They will make you laugh.
6. They can be deceiving: big tops, little bottoms :)
7. I miss the special time with my husband.
8. I love growing carrots!
9. I'll do it again next year for sure!

Any questions?

Sweet luvins!

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But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14