Friday, August 26, 2011

We're Ready!

As a child I remember watching the news hearing the words "big storm approaching" and thinking it was the end of the world....that was until it started raining. That was like a big ticket to ride the puddles. It was a game to see how wet we could get, how close the water would get to our house this time, and if it would rain hard enough to lose power so that we could light the old lanterns.

It was a fun time back then. Now, as an adult...blah blah! It's a more serious matter. Precautions are made and evacuations are considered. I have a family of my own to watch out for and the outlook is a bit different. The fun of it all is still coursing through my veins though.  I wish there was a way for the girls to experience the fun in the matter like I was gifted.

Irene is simply miles from the shore line and the rain is coming. The generator is prepped. The garage fridge is filled with bottles of water. The candles are gathered, as are toys for easy access and distractions. Come what may.

We are ready!

I'm praying for all of you that may be in a more direct path of the storm. I pray the Lord takes you in His hands and protects you and your loved ones till passing by. This to shall pass.


  1. I'm praying that all of you migh weather this storm with as much peace and (yes) fun as possible!

  2. Girl, been praying for you already!!


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14