Monday, August 29, 2011

Jumping Queens!

Last Thursday, a special box arrived at the house. Just in time to beat Irene.
Mike and I have been saving pennies and dimes and talking about some exciting things for the girls.
This jumper was one of them.

Mike scoured the Internet looking for deals, sales, and the "just right" price. It was a long process and we both learned how crazy expensive these jumpers can be. We also learned that there are some pretty big ones out there too that go for as much as $1200....crazy huh?!?

The girls were hesitant at first...Hope clung to the edge until she trusted herself to let go. After that, they were like monkeys at the zoo. Bouncing off the walls and each other.

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It took them maybe all but a minute or two to learn how to make way down the slide. I was so proud!

This is by far the coolest picture I've ever taken. My personal opinion of course and I'm VERY far from having any professional photography training and all.

My Moma heart fluttered when I saw it...if you've read this blog long enough, you'll understand.

They had so much fun. I highly suggest if you're looking for an activity to burn energy, this is it!
Save and look and you will find.

Little Miss Irene fluttered by us with offerings of an inch of rain and some thunderstorm style clouds and wind. Nothing major. It made for some really nice weather. The coolness was like a hint of fall air and I was totally accepting it. Cool enough to go out and pick weeds nice.

The sky was amazing! It had this beautiful orange tint that fit perfectly in between the swirly hurricane clouds.

How was your weekend?
Can you believe it's almost September?!?!?!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. So glad Irene didn't cause damage where you are. The bouncer is such a good investment. You kiddos will have hours of fun in there!

  2. They look so so so cute in the dresses! Give them an extra squeeze for me! :) I totally can not believe that it is almost september!! Time is flying! I only have four months left until our next blessing comes. that is crazy. So glad you guys did well through the storm! I am totally jealous of your nice weather! It is a super rainy day here today...seeing as we didn't have any rain for two days, it is time :) miss you and love you! Talk to you soon! :)

  3. Oh man, that looks like so much fun! Glad the storm went by rather smoothly!

  4. who on earth would pay $1200 for a jumper ... nice job at searing and finding it for a price that work for your family ;) PTL the storm was a little more calm for you.

  5. Adorable! Looks like they had a ton of fun!

  6. I totally understand!

    They look like they are having an absolute blast! Where in the world did you get it? I've looked as well and you're right... expensive!

  7. They look like they are having so much fun. Maybe I should think of investing in one of these.

  8. Thank you so much for the email. I ordered K & K one this morning. I'm thinking I'm going to put it away till their birthday in Dec. Hopefully I can be strong and not give it to them. Then I had to come back to your pics and look again. SO excited!!!


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14