Monday, November 7, 2011

Thank you.
For the Prayers.

Your thoughts.
Your friendly love.
I'm grateful.

My scare has passed. It's gone. The Lord was always in control on this one, I just failed to fully grasp it. Something to pray about.

Rough week and weekend for the girls. Sick, again. Not fun.
Broke my heart.
They played inside though.

They found daddy's flashlight and were totally amazed with it.

Who knew flashlights were so much fun?? I think I've found a new activity for my list.

We watched movies and cuddled. 

Ate some Chicken and here for the recipe.

Did some drooling over toys for Christmas.

And simply tried to rejuvenate ourselves.

Eventually, it warmed up enough outside for them to get some much needed fresh air.
And they played.

The leaves are changing.
Fall is here in full form.
I'm loving it!

We hope yall had a wonderful week and weekend. So happy for blessings like you...

Sweet luvins!


  1. Super cute! Glad to hear you're all doing better!

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog, now I'm hooked. Your girls are too cute! I can't wait for my little one to be running around :)

  3. So glad you're doing better, my friend! God is so faithful.

  4. Oh, I get this. My girls have been sick too. Lots of coughing and snot. It makes such a difference when you seek to find the joy amist the hard stuff. Blessings to you, and thank you so much for that yummy recipe! I love that you use whole wheat flour! I just got celery, onions and carrots in our co-op basket this week. Perfect :)

  5. So glad they are doing better!!!


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14