Monday, June 11, 2012

Small Accomplishments

Last week I was practically a void in the house. Unable to mosey around like I wanted. Things went undone, untouched, left out, scattered to-and-fro...pretty much a disaster. Although I couldn't help it, it started driving me crazy sometime around....YESTERDAY!!!! 

I'm still not up to par, but I have things I'd like to get done and done they shall get. While sitting last night, again, I jotted down some things that have been scrambling around in my mind and we all know that best way to unscramble thing upstairs is to jot it down. So I did and it feels good. I seriously have NOTHING left to think about because it's all here on paper. So nice!!! By the time bedtime came around, I had about 5-6 pieces of paper with stuff that I've had cooped up in my head. Awh, now I can relax!!

Wanna peak? Here it is...the List of my Lists!

A weekly goal list.
   - I'm always welcoming Monday with a cloudy mindset. Before I know it, Friday arrives and my list of things to-do are more like should-have-beens. So I thought why not start making an effort to set goals, simple ones, that I can reach and feel a sense of accomplishment by the time Friday arrives. 
Why not? Right? So I did. 
   My goals this week are:
   1. Start a Budget (I know, I've done it before but it failed BIG TIME!!!)
   2. Work on my Home Binder
   3. Pay Bills (Crazy I know!!!)
   4. Pick one project off project list and try to start.
   5. Take donations to Good Will
   6. Walk at least 2-3 times ("For when I am weak, He is strong.2 Corinthians 12:10)
   7. Follow Meal plan
   8. Read devotions daily
   9. Book time with the girls daily
   10.  Clean what I can manage. ( I wrote out some areas to focus on each day in hopes that
     I'll do that one area and only that one area instead of trying to tackle the whole house in
     one day.)

A Daily To-Do List.
    - My to-do list for today was mild in flavor. Short and sweet, but I had to start somewhere. It included sweeping and mopping, washing the sheets and blankets on all beds and unloading and reloading the dish-washer. Told you it was simple. 

A Simple Cleaning List for a Prego Moma
   - My hubby has graciously stepped in the cleaning game more so since I've started having back pains. He's always helped around the house, but now he helps a bit more. I came up with an easy to follow cleaning routine that won't leave me exhausted by the end of each day. I'll share that soon.

Here is one that I liked:

A Project List.
    - I have pinned a lot of ideas of things I'd like to make. Some are obviously outlandish, some are completely doable and others are well, just cool, but I know I don't need to make them. I went through my list on Pinterest and chose a few that I might be able to manage here and there over the next couple of months. Especially ones dealing with the nursery. I found a few project lists on Pinterest that I liked and might use but for now, all my notes are on notebook paper. 

A Meal Plan with Grocery List
    - With Pinterest opened and pen and paper in hand, I whipped up a meal plan for not only this week but for the whole month. I totally shocked myself!!! Easy meals that either my husband or I can make that don't take the whole evening. I'm notorious for picking meals that seem over the top and way to busy. Something I finally admitted to. There were days when I could't get in there to cook and the hubby would look at me with that look. You know the one...what now?? So all the meals on this plan are easy, yummy, doable for both of us, and ones I know we've enjoyed in the past. I have them written on a dry-erase board that's on the fridge visible to all. Oh! And with limited shopping involved because I already have majority of the stuff on hand. Talk about pantry/freezer clean-out!!!! Yeah!!! 

A Favorite Meal List
    - The hubby and I have been talking about doing this forever and it's definitely not a new idea around blogosphere, but I've always put it off. I don't know why. However, last night our favorite meal list was started and it now hangs on the fridge beside the meal plan where additions can be made in the future or scratched off if need be. It will definitely make meal planning a lot easier!!! I admit it did help having him right there to get ideas from last night. The template I used is from Life As Mom. It's part of her organzing e-book that I purchased a long time ago. Sad that I'm just now using it.

Nursery Idea List
     - I have a lot of ideas that I'd like to see happen in the nursery, but I realize some are beyond my capability and budget. So I listed the ones I knew I could probably make happen. Like the paint color, fabric choice, overall theme. Others I just wrote ideas of what I'd like to see happen. Craigslist is my buddy right now...on the look out for a dresser/changing table for babe #3. Such a chore!!! The room itself needs a total re-do. From playroom (tear) to nursery (sigh) in just...4 months? Totally possible! If you'd like a peek at ideas I have for the nursery, just head over to my Nursery Board on Pinterest

Well, those are my accomplishments. They may seem small or maybe even silly. But there were nights when I seriously couldn't sleep because all of this stuff was bouncing all through my mind. I'll let you know that I slept SO GOOD last night thanks to this mind-decluttering. I better go so I can be somewhat productive today. Nap time already and things are already checked off my to-do list. Gotta love it!!!



  1. I was say this is a big accomplishment! I recall so well how the pregnancy sucked the life out of me. I would sit and think of all I needed/wanted to do, but could barely do the day to day stuff. I recall thinking I was going to feel that way FOREVER - but since having the new baby (only one baby!) I feel so much better and back to my old self - after the initial new baby stuff passed. Cut yourself some slack and know that you are doing the most important work of all - growing that baby!

  2. Those are huge accomplishments!! I can't wait for you to share how it's going for you. It always feel so good to be productive, but be sure that you're still being careful, my friend!


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14