Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Our First Month

One month already. If I blink she's going to be packing her bags moving out for college and I'll be left to suffer empty nest syndrome.

I sat in the Dr office last week for my 2 week follow up (funny right?! A month later!) And watched the pregnant Momas walk in and out. Its such a treasure to be able to experience this wonderful blessing. To be graced with not just 3 but four opportunities to carry a child of God. I'm just happy that now people have stopped asking if we're going to have more kids. I  don't know what it was about having twins. The idea of having more was always a ha! ha! type topic for people. 

As I look down at my belly that is now in a much like deflated manner (go ahead, chuckle..its true), I'm reminded how quickly it goes by. How quickly you go from spotting those 2 pink lines to holding your baby for that first time. While I'll be the first and definitely not the last or only that will say it feels like you're huge forever, in retrospect, its really only a second. Just a brief moment and then its like the flood gates are open and life in forever changed. Forrrrrevvvvveerrrr!

My sweet Ellie girl is a doll. She's such a little snuggler and will fall asleep the second her skin touches mine. Our first month with her has been such an experience. Learning how to care for one instead of two, not really challenging I'd say, but it is different. I think the hardest part is caring for everyone else as well. 

While Ellie sleeps, the girls and I get knee deep, well elbow deep in whatever sort of crafts we can find. Cookies, Christmas crafts...you name it we try it. Cookies seems to be the favorite of activities for now that is. 

Extra marshmallows if you please. We're doing great though! I'm feeling sooo much better! A tad tired, but on the up side of this new. Things around here are feeling more normal too. Our silly mannerisms are filling in the lack of motivation to clean and what-not but that's all part of new baby mode uh-huh. *wink-wink*

Happy Tuesday!

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But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14