Wednesday, February 13, 2013

to be home

These are my favorite days. Where we don't leave the house unless we actually want to. There are no errands to be run and we have full excuses to be natural homebodies. It's very suiting. Being here with my girls is so wonderful. Not always easy, but wonderful all together. 

For now our days are filled to the brim of silly doings and games. Lot's of books and one on one that will soon fade with age. So the walls and fences that confine us to these "favorite days" of mine bring an endless amount of joy to my heart. It's good. It's a good life and man am I ever so grateful!!! 

1 comment:

I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14