Sunday, March 3, 2013

10 Things Sunday

This week was full. Packed some of happy endings, funny stories,  silly laughter,  bumps and bruises and even some pollen swirled its way in the mix. Thus the reason me and my lovelies are battling the no feel goods today. Coughs and all.

1. Yesterday was my Daddy's birthday.  Its hard to say how much I love him so , but each day that I'm away from him reminds me more and more.
2. Cuddles.  Lots of them. From all three of them. Cue melting heart...NOW!
3. The hubby started Mustache Madness this week. One whole month of mustache wearing airmen. Brings back memories.
3. Being messy just because its a blast.
4. Eating slow and low ribs in the middle of the week.  Totally unexpected.
5. A healthy 4 month checkup for Miss Ellie. Details to come.
6. Gifts from family down south. They're supposed to boost our spirits for missing the strawberry festival again. Thank cousins Aretha and Amy! We love you!!!
7. Finding a much needed home for the girl's cribs.
8. Fitting into my "skinny" jeans without rolling on the bed to squeeze into them. Hip hip hooray! !!
9. Being reminded every day that my birthday is coming and somehow I'm gonna be 5?
10. Sunglass wearing on a bright sunny day.
11.Chicken and Dumpling Cracker Barrel style. 
That was one more for good luck...

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I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14