Monday, December 2, 2013

Quiet Monday

Its quiet in my house this morning.  
All three of my children are still snug tight in dreamland and its going on 730. Very unusual but greatly appreciated.  I've already gotten a jump start on the needs done list. It was an early start for me today. Ahead of the game.
A load of laundry, roast in the crock, tree all lit up, one cup of coffee down and my devotions are done. This NEVER happens. 
Yesterday was such a whiny day with fevers up and down, it's nice to be ahead. Someone must have been praying for me. 
I send out my wave of gratitude.

Today brings a few more to-do's than the norm.
girls to school if they wake with no fevers
dogs to the vet for early drop-off
package to be dropped off at the PO Box to ship
and then I have a dress that needs to be finished by tomorrow.

Does it seem surreal that we're already welcoming December into our homes. Glittered hearts of praise for such an amazing gift. 

I love this time of year, but in the back of my mind I know what waits after the tree is put away. Deployment is creeping upon me and I feel like there is a ton of things that need to be done before the hubby leaves. 
Nothing huge, just lots of littles that are easier done with him here. 
I trust though that He'll provide just as He always does and even if it doesn't really feel like so, I know He'll get me ready for the long road ahead. 

We're keeping our heads up by enjoying each day. The girls still have no clue.

In between spiked fevers and some fuss, we filled our weekend the best we know how with the blessings we were given.
Lot's of snuggles and laughter...
warm baths and good food...
bike rides and good ol' play...
a random hair catastrophe...
and just being together.
How was your weekend?


  1. Sounds like a good way to start the morning! Hope all fevers are gone! :)

  2. Goodness, I just love your sweet family!! Happy December to you all!

  3. hope your little ones are feeling better. love your holiday decor :)


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14