Thursday, July 1, 2010

Short, But Sweet

Each year, my grandparents, Nana and Bumpa, go on a road trip. They venture up north to visit their long time friends and eventually make their way home again. We were lucky enough this year to be in the middle of their adventure.

We were so excited for them to you know, we don't have family here and no friends yet, so it's nice to have family visit us. Makes the heart long for home even more.

You're probably wondering why I call him "Bumpa." If so, here's why...
When my Bub was little, he couldn't say Grandpa and all that came out was "Bumpa." And we all know that grandparents are pretty much given their names...that's why we have so many Mee-Maws, Mom-Moms, Moo-maws, Nannies, Pa's, Mammies, etc.

It's almost like an unspoken rule, per say.
So, he's been "Bumpa" to everyone ever since then. He goes by no other name.

While they were here, we talked a lot about old times; things we remember and loved. One thing was how special it was that they are able to enjoy their great-grand babies.
I barely have memories of my Great Granny. All I remember is snapping green beans with her; that's it. I pray that the girls will be able to remember the love that their Great Nana and Bumpa have for them.

At home in Florida, my Nana and Bumpa live right down the road from Moma and Daddy's. When I was little, I'd hop on my bike and ride down there ALL the time. During the summer, I pretty much lived down there because they had the most amazing pool. Call me a mermaid if you will. *smile*

There were lots of times when you'd here the sliding glass door close and feet hitting the patio...there goes Bumpa doing his famous running dive into the deep end. We always loved it when he'd do that. Thanks to him...I can now dive with no problem. We spent a whole summer perfecting my dive. So much fun!!!
We would always end our swim days with Nana's yummy-licious chocolate chip cookies.
Oh so good!!!

I miss those carefree days and ham salad sandwiches. Of course, Nana always made THE best sandwiches. Yes, I can make my own, but it's something about the way Nana made them.
They always tasted so much better.
It's something about everything that Nana always was always so much better.
 So...these memories are something I'll always remember and always make sure to share with Hope and Savannah.

I am so happy that they stopped in. We truly enjoyed their visit and hope they come see us again.

And how sweet of them to snap a quick pic of my gang. Boy howdy, the girls have grown since January.


And while I sit and write this, there is a family today that is grieving for their little one. I send my prayers to the family of little Cohen. My heart breaks for his Momma and Daddy. Such a short time to spend with someone so special. Take time today to send a prayer for their family.

May the Lord give them the grace to bear this loss.
I know losing a child is almost like having your heart taken from your chest with.
It's the worst hurt please pray for them.

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  1. What a wonderful post. I so loved going out to my grandparents' farm and messing around in the garden, by the pond, in the barn and garage. Sitting down at the round table in the kitchen and my grandpa trying to steal my food.

    My kids remember granny taking them to McDonald's for lunch, or telling them ghost stories about her house. They still talk about her and she's been gone almost 9 years.

    My most favorite thing about her was her faith. She loved God and I can't wait to see her in heaven.

  2. Memories are such lovely things to have and treasure. How wonderful that you were able to make so many of them with your girls and great grands and that you are writing them down for them! Blessings on your day!

  3. Beautiful memories with your family. Very sad about your friend's loss. I know from experience, it takes time to heal, but our God is amazing and heals all hurts.

  4. What a beautiful family you have! Treasured memories with Nana and Bumpa, too!

    Praying for Cohen's family.

  5. Believe it or not, my best friend in high school had a Nana and Bumpy!


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14