Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday, Monday: Full of Excitement

You can see what we've been up to lately...exploring new terrain. The girls were so excited to help me with the laundry. Keeping the laundry basket nice and full of giggles is extremely vital when trying to get the laundry folded and put away in a timely manner. Don't you agree?

I think Savannah realized how "not" fun folding clothes can be. Hope, on the other hand, she's loving it and Sissy is seriously confused why. I mean, look at her face. It's as if she's saying,
 "Hope, do you realized how much work this involves. It's not fun anymore!"

Well, after dragging the basket around the living room and dining room a bit, Savannah finally smiled again. It made my day. I love their overalls too...don't you? My latest thrift store snag, $1.50 each. LOVE it!!!!
Buy used and save the difference. So true.

So's Monday. My husband starts his ALS (Airman Leadership School) training this week so he has today and tomorrow off with us to keep him from working a 9 day week. Yay!!!
Talk about happy. We finally get to go to church as a family this weekend. Super exciting!!!!
ALS is training that is supposed to prepare him for Staff. Remember I told you he made Staff Sergeant and we celebrated by throwing a little pool party in the back this if you want to laugh.

We've been working really hard on watching our budget. Christmas is right around the corner and so are all of the trips to Florida and back. That costs mula!!Lot's of it too. So I'm trying to cut corners so we have enough to make it through.

What this means is no more eating out. No more splurges on coffees or our weakness, Chic-Fil-A *wahhh!!!*, no more random trips to Goodwill for deals; it's time to get serious.

My whole menu this week is planned on what we have. I will NOT go to the grocery store for anything. That  is my goal.
So here it is...

Blackened MahiMahi with broccoli and steamed rice

Shepherds Pie with fresh salads

Apple Roasted Pork with green beans and dill potatoes

Mojo Chicken Fajitas with seasoned wild rice

Grilled Pork Chops with baked potatoes and glazed carrots


Spaghetti with homemade wheat bread sticks

The recipes for these meals will be posted up over the next 2 weeks. I plan on making them available to you because they're yummy and it is my goal to share something with you everyday. Part of the whole NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). It's motivational.
don't forget that the 30-Day Giving Challenge started today. For a bit more information, check out the main site or  head over to Myra's place. She also has a bit of information to share.
Are you going to join and give?

I am.

I pray that you have a blessed Monday. It's the beginning of a brand new week.
New challenges, new adventures, a fresh breath of life.

 Let's go at 'em!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are just beautiful! I love their smiles!! :)


I love hearing from friends. Tell me what you think..God bless!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14