Saturday, August 20, 2011

Our 1st Family Vacation

We decided a couple of months ago that we wanted to plan a vacation for our little family of four. Awh...location is everything?

Florida here we come!!!

I know, we've been to Florida several times since we've become a family, however the trips have always been short lived. Two maybe three days if lucky. So the difference in this trip was the length...a whole 10 days to enjoy the extreme muggy-ness and luxury of the Florida air.

Breath in....Breath out. *smile*


I We packed everything up, including The King,  and hit the road. Ready for adventure!!!

This trip was so very special. We (our family) grew so much while we were together. I think for the first time, my Moma and Daddy were able to see the fruits of their labor. All of their family...together.. It was awesome. The house was just bursting to the seams with love, laughter, children's giggles, stories, sugars, and some new found memories.

Here are some things we did while we were there:

All the kids loaded up on the rides and went cruising out in the pasture. This was the girls' second time on any four wheeler and they were loving it! Daddy had to ride by himself...I didn't want the girls' to ride by themselves.

The girls played with Pa as much as they could. Isn't Colton getting so big from the last time I posted about him. Six months younger than the girls and he's already bigger than they are. That's boy for ya!

Outside was the desired location for all of the munchkins while we were there. Swings, tall grass, a big yard to run in. Perfect!

We saw some of Moma's side of the family while were there. Aunt Alli let the girls try on her glasses...they look cute and nerdy all in one. She loved it!

This was my Aunt Nancy's first time seeing the girls. She wanted to get a picture with them soooo badly. As did I. But, as we all know, they never cooperate when we really need/want them too.

Grandmother was able to come out a few times to see us. I think she just enjoyed being able to sit and watch the silliness that was going on. They've grown so much since the last time she saw them.

Precious memories taking place.

Moma wanted to get a boat full of watermelon for her youngon's to eat up...and boy did they. Hope ate her piece(s) all the way to the rine. She was cvoered in watermelon juice. Colton wanted all of it to himself.

My Moma had one request while we were all together that week. One picture of all the grandchildren. That was it.

We attempted to get them all. Colton decided he dislikes photo opps.

This is what we ended up with. A totally cute picture of all the girls.

My Bub and his wife Della, had this awesome water slide thing-a-ma-jig that they brought down. Hours of fun, worn out babies, long naps, happy parents. *smile*

No really...

It was a BLAST!!!!!!!

We had such a great time while we were down there. There's alot that happened that didn't get snapped by the camera, but I think those are the moments that are meant for "heart memories" and not pictorial memories. You don't always have to capture every moment in order to remember it...because sometimes that causes you to miss out on the moment itself.

Anyhoo...I hope you enjoyed sifting through our vacation. It was fun. It was relaxing. It was memorable. But for the most part, it was home.

Sweet luvins and happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I know this is totally late, but I loved this post. . .the pics with mom are priceless!! :)


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But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14